Opal Morphing Synthesizer
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Opal Morphing Synthesizer
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S. Bakas
Great sounds!
Trully amazing synth!
O. Melnikov
Good versatile sound, effect are great.
it does sound close to hardware synths 'the built in effect take care of that.
useful tool to get ideas from , sound is good to fill the mix and layer greatscapes.
S. Stellato
I do really like this one. I feel it has the record-ready sound. It's great really
K. Fathi
Brilliant. Pure vibe!
Brilliant. Pure vibe!
Z. Netz
A hardware quality synth as a plugin
It is the best combination of wavetable and analog sound, has a perfect UX, is very easy and fast to use, has good effects, and has a unique, high-quality sound. If you like the way hardware synths work, you'll love this one. A good balance of features and usability is very rare; I've only encountered this in hardware before.
This is more than just another synthesizer!
Excellent and high quality sound! Easy controls! And I will use this synth quite often I think.
N. Loader
I paid for this product and one other but never received it. I have no idea how good or bad it is.
M. Campbell
saved me a ton of money
I was about to buy a PPG Wave 2.0 or similar but the OPAL gets the sounds and vibe that i was looking for out of that particular synth. Great Addition to my arsenal of sound. It also includes some very well programmed presets that are usable in so many contexts. User interface workflow is also commendable on this instrument.
c. rivera
Spectacular quality
This is amazing guys, the audio quality on this thing is worldclass and the synth have the essentials parts to make great sounds, and a lots of them. Ua needs to mantain this piece of software and keep making it better, like, more features and more presets, but it is great as it is. Im gonna repeat the same in a couple of reviews in this site; ua needs to start making the plugins available for ipad pro since the new ipads are very capable machines and logic pro is available now. Thanks for making the best sounding plugins for us who work in the box. I tried so much stuff and yours are the best.
M. Kabouroglou
The First Synth Digital Synth(After my Nord Modular+Juno-106)that brings a smile to my face
Well done Uad
O. Ferstl
аn excellent synthesizer
An great synthesizer that has become my favorite. Thoughtful and easy to use interface. Interesting, juicy sounds, bouncy bass. I love it!
P. Theriault
Powerful and clean
Great sound, not too hard on the CPU. UAD rules!
K. lopez
Haven't tried yet
I will leave a complete review after I tried properly
E. Borelius
A new favorite
A new favorite with a wide range of amazing sounds and an unusually smart and easy-to-use interface. Full marks!
A. Holbert
Opal is really Cool
I was on the fence at first since I own Arturia's V collection I doubted I needed another Synth. I was wrong this thing is awesome and unique. I really like the way it's set up, Very easy to understand and it you Also buy PolyMax as well Than you will quite the cool tool box. Trust Me!
U. W
Opal Morphing Synthesizer
A wonderful plugin. Sections "Header", "Display" and "Panel", which display the signal flow in a clear order from left to right, while important controls are always displayed in the "Panel" section, so more time is left to create interesting sounds and less time is spent exploring the menu.
P. Bondy
Now my go to synth.
A very flexible and great sounding synth plugin. The audio quality is second to none. The range of beautiful sounds it can produce, their dynamism and their usefulness is excellent.
But I’d like to send a real congratulations to the designers of the user interface. Such a clean and smart design that allows very quick and easy access to so many features both without clutter and without diving into a multitude of menus and submenus. A programmers dream or if you want to quickly adjust presets to work perfectly in your track that is a breeze too.
This synth will definitely find its way onto every song I write. I’ve added it to my new song template.
A. Shell
Opal Morphing Synthesizer
very cool and powerful
thank you !
H. Fivelsdal
Great Synth
Nice sound from just the presets. I am looking forward to tweaking the settings and combining it with the Mini Moog. Easy to use interface. As usual fine quality from UAD.
P. Beullens
Love it more day by day
Can do various synth styles with ease. Find it easy to generate good sounds that sit well in the mix. Morphs well with others... just beautiful.