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Apollo Twin X

Evaluation Globale

481-500 sur 921 résultats

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J. Jones

1 mars 2021

"Apollo what?"

I'm a songwriter who had his heyday back in the late 1970s, early '80s. For the past couple of years I'd been considering getting back into writing and composing and of course recording. I started looking around at various options and I have to admit that I was completely ignorant of current technologies. I decided to purchase an all-in-one recording solution from Tascam and when I went to order it from a local music shop the salesperson was absolutely adamant I had to consider the Apollo Twin X Duo from Universal Audio. "Apollo what?" I asked and the salesperson told me to head home and do some online research. Universal Audio was a familiar brand from my recording days but I'd always associated the brand with horrendous price tags. So ... I returned home with no purchase and spent a couple of weeks researching UA's offerings. Eventually I was convinced that maybe this was a better option than buying the Tascam rig, so I bit the bullet and made the purchase. WOW! From the unboxing, through to set-up the experience was flawless. Combined with other purchases such as Adam monitors, Rode microphones, Native Instruments keyboard and a few plugins I have ended up with a solution for my home studio that I never considered possible. The audio quality, seamless integration of UAs Console with my choice of DAW and the overall experience of discovering a new world has left me feeling totally excited about getting back into songwriting. And the first couple of results have left my friends speechless! Sure, it may be an expensive option but then again ... quality should never be considered something that comes cheap! Thank you UA.

D. Hoper

28 février 2021

Apollo Twin X

Absolutely amazing! This by far the best setup a home studio could have. The UAD products are nothing less than AMAZINGLY!

G. Elvis

28 février 2021

UA does nothing to help UA customers who bought a Apple M-1 chip

That UA knows there are customers who have been loyal to them in the past and have simply thrown those faithful users who have spent thousands with them under the bus is a disgrace to the brand leaving many owners of the Apollo Twin with an effectively useless, expensive product that DOES NOT WORK with the APPLE M1 Silicon Chip. It is a huge blunder that the Putnam Brothers need to address as they owe it to their company themselves and their father. Most importantly they owe it to their customers.

T. Delfini

25 février 2021

So good!

You Must have it

G. Akın

25 février 2021

Fantastic Audio Interface with Amazing Preamps and Incredible Conversion!

I produce, write, perform songs for myself and other artists, I also Mix and Master projects for various clients in my studio. I have used a lot of audio interfaces over the years. Before Apollo Twin X I was using another high quality audio interface and was pretty happy with it, but I could not sing through it like I did in an acoustic environment. (I also studied Opera - Singing so singing with a mic and headphones has always been an issue of mine) As soon as I got the Apollo Twin X I set my vocal chain up with the Analog Classics Bundle that came with it, the difference was unbelieveble! I sounded so musical, so inspiring and because the latency was unnoticable it really made a difference in my performances! Reflection Engine was pretty much perfect for you to feel like you are singing in a natural sounding room! As I said I was already using a pretty good audio interface with GREAT preamps and converters. But this Apollo really is something else! Once you put that UA 610-B on your unison preamp slot there is no going back. The LA-2A was the best emulation I have ever heard and it's a joy to perform with those plugins. On the mixing and mastering side; I noticed the "X Converters" were doing an amazing job! I can hear more clearly what I'm doing in my mixes and masters. I might hear a little bit of color but in a very musical and smooth way which I love, something to consider though it just might be my ears. I was really concerned about buying the Apollo because of the WDM drivers and the device being a Thunderbolt 3 device since I use Windows but so far I experienced just a few problems with it, though I use Sonarworks 4 for my system's main out so maybe it helped a little bit. But the workflow, the Console, the plugins, the PREAMPS really sounds amazing and ANALOG! One minus I'm gonna give is as Windows users we don't get LUNA, but I'm sure UA will release a Windows version as soon as possible ;) Bottom line is, if you are thinking about buying one, don't think about it anymore, just order one! You won't regret it. My recordings and mixes have improved pretty noticeably and I would recommend it strongly.

J. Allen

21 février 2021

The perfect Songwriter’s interface

The Apollo Twin X Quad is a great centerpiece for the project/ songwriters studio . It is intuitive to operate, without a steep learning curve. The Quad has proven to have the horsepower to chug through a tune with many olugins and not bog down.

G. Kılıç

18 février 2021


Love it so much!

J. van Erven

17 février 2021

Superb sound.

Sounds way better and transparant then my old apollo mk1. Great converters and pre amps.
Happy Sith the heritage bundle that comes with it.

C. Hamilton

17 février 2021

Excellent Interface

I love working with the Apollo Twin X. Getting to use all of the UAD plugins is great and is really helping my recordings and mixes. I switched over from Apogee and the converters aren't quite as good, but they're still great. I also wish the headphone amp was slightly better, but it's still fantastic. All around it's a great investment. I particularly love the portability of the unit.

G. Perez

14 février 2021

Live it

Thanks learning and loving it

j. lee

12 février 2021




12 février 2021

Très déçu

Je me faisais une joie de passer sur apollo twin et surtout de pouvoir profiter des très réputés plug-in UA. Malheureusement je fus vite déçu :
- La machine est très chère.
- Le gros problème est qu'à partir de 2 ou 3 plug-in UA, l'appollo s'arrête et annonce qu'elle en surcharge à cause des plug-in. à partir de là, comment peut-on construire un morceau ? J'ai acheté plein de plug-in au début mais impossible de les utiliser ou alors un ou deux par morceau. Nul...
- J'ai tenté d'intégrer la console UA avec Logic, j'y ai perdu des nuits sans résultat probant.
- Ma déception est telle que j'en ai perdu le gout de la composition tellement cet appareil alourdi le process.

Le seul point positif pour moi est la qualité du son, indéniable mais cela ne rattrape pas les défauts cités.

Grosse arnaque !

F. Yu

11 février 2021


This is my best purchase of the year! (so far)... First time to check out UAD products. I truly enjoy creating music with my Apollo Twin X Duo Heritage Edition. Still in the learning process though. I do all my tracking on it, No latency, No problem! This is GOLD!

R. Dobrev

9 février 2021

Roman Dobrev studio Ponte records

The quality of ad / da surprised me, it's great. A completely different dimension of sound

L. Iturra

9 février 2021

Un gran salto

Es un gran salto a lo que conocía.. las emulaciones corren muy bien, además el hecho que se puedan encadenar varias interfases y sumar canales es muy practico.. solo me faltaron un par de salidas más

C. Knight

8 février 2021

Best interface for the money.

This is where you start and grow from, if you need more DSP you can expand it. Completely satisfied, 10/10, haters don't know how to use the hardware or software and it's a shame cause this is the only studio in a box. (M1 crybabies are seriously Einsteins for not checking system capability before upgrade, m1 came out after twin x. I guess losers can be losers.)

d. bapte

6 février 2021

Bon produit

Excellent pour la MAO

J. Estremadoyro

5 février 2021


Decidí hacer el cambio a Apollo Twin X después de muchos años y la verdad siento que he perdido el tiempo, debí hacerlo hace mucho tiempo! la calidad no tiene comparación. Trabajando en casa con mi laptop, la Apollo Twin y el UAD 2 Satellite más los complementos son la combinación perfecta para lograr un gran sonido profesional!

R. Manestar

5 février 2021

Great !

great sound, quality build ! Very happy with it

A. Monpart

5 février 2021

Amazing !

Great sound, amazing plugins, easy to use. What else ?

481-500 sur 921 résultats