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Trident® A-Range Classic Console EQ

Evaluation Globale

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S. Tanner

13 août 2023

Nice sound for some stuff

I don't need this EQ a lot. But when I am using it I get some nice sound out of it.

H. Bouetard

6 mai 2022


Versatile, musical... Unique
On guitares, pianos, drums...

J. Boes

7 janvier 2021

Sweet and low!

I love the sweet sounds of this EQ. The low end on my kick is perfect!

S. Ouled Barka

1 juillet 2020

Proche du Hardware

C'est un très bon plugin, l'eq est précise et musicale. Facile à prendre en main et proche du son du hardware. Seul petit bémol par rapport au hardware, il faut faire attention au dosage des fréquences hautes qui peuvent des fois être un peu criardes si on ne fait pas attention.

J. Beck

1 juin 2018

A luxury item rather than a necessity

This isn’t right for everything, but when it’s right, it’s really right. The coloration is quite dark, but VERY apparent, so in that respect it can sometimes be too aggressive. It’s one of the plug ins that by simply putting it on changes the character of the sound immediately.

I’d say it’s quite similar to the Neve 1081 plug-in, it makes the sound more harmonically rich but causes the top end to become more narrow - again, this can be good or bad depending on your needs. All the boosts sound fantastic though, and using the different LP options in conjunction with one another can lead to some really unique and pleasing curves.

It really comes into its own on electric guitars. Gives it a really vintage 70s sound. If you’re looking for transparency though, this is the opposite of what you want.

S. Hiestand

17 mai 2018

Great for guitars!

If I could only have one EQ, this would NOT be the one. has a different vibe and color all it's own, and it's a must for me on guitar tracks. The filters are subtle, but play with them enough and you'll find a setting you like. I really like the fact it has sliders (if only because knobs don't always behave as I'd like on my Mac). Very analog-sounding...sweet and natural. Probably not an EQ you'd ever master with (although I did it once on an old song well-suited for it). Overall, nice! Demo it and see for yourself.

Y. Dayong

17 mai 2018

A Simulation Tool!


P. Gharapetian

2 avril 2018

midrange done perfectly

you need this if you want that classic sound instantly.

R. Cambrin

11 décembre 2016

Wished I bought it sooner!

Instantly solved my gtr Q woes. In comparison to the other UA Qs I own it is I;d say more chimey when used on jangley guitars. Its a perfect cpmpliment to the UA Neve 30112 plogin which is quite different in the ultimate result and I would say that is due to the Frequency points that it gives.
Super fast to work with which is for me importanta s the longer I spend on an instrument eq the more my subjectivity goes out the window.
I actually give it 5 star rating but everyone does that.
Its like how saying something is awesome means nothing now.
So I would say this plugin is Fab, Wicked, Nifty, and above all does the job!
Highly recommended for single coil sounds.

Y. Kim

2 décembre 2016


It is mainly used for bass drum. It is dominant but not excessive. Satisfies.

S. Kalisperides

14 juillet 2016

Very useful EQ with flavour!

I purchased this EQ after demoing it. It sounds great on various instruments and voice but i think its strengths lie mainly on drums, bass and guitar for that vintage 70s warm flavour. It has a very distinctive character that is not easy to achieve with other EQ plugins, so definitely worth having it in your arsenal.

L. Leal

27 décembre 2015

Amazing EQ for guitars

Really brings guitars to life in a mix. If you like guitar army in your mixes, this is the perfect eq.

N. Dranov

15 juin 2015

Fun with colours - esp on guitar

I got the Trident EQ strictly because of the splendid reviews in these pages - especially for guitar - and I must say the Trident really has delivered. Full of character for both clean and distorted electric guitars. Fun to play with the combinations of stacking the lo/hipass-buttons + boosting in the overlapping ranges, nice to do the 'Helios trick' to add some low, cut/filter from 10khz and up and then add a generous boost in the 3-5khz range. Adds a grainy-good colour that the Helios doesn't. I like the Helios although it is more limited - not only in terms of bands, Trident works well for drums and bass too - and I'm I'll have fun trying combinations of the two on guitars.

P. J

15 janvier 2015

Sweet sparkling!

This EQ is very sweet. The high freqs do not sound harsh but musical.

The low end is sweet as well

Thanks UAD

A. Campbell

14 janvier 2015

Trident A Range EQ

Nice eq here. Never used the real hardware. I do enjoy this one however. It has a very nice, smooth sound. It works on allot of sources. I like gentle hardware EQ's as well as surgical ones. This one does the hardware thing well. On some sources it can be a little honky with the mids. Overall very nice. Worth the price if it's on sale. I wouldn't spend $250 on it though. Hence 4 stars.

M. Pastrello

10 janvier 2014

Quite honest!

First of all, as the grand majority of today's musical producers/engineers and alike, i never had the chance to hear, or even see, the real stuff... I know a few records that was made using it, but that's all... What can I say? It sounds very pleasant to my ears and I intent to use it alot. Really like the highs.

Anyway, I trust UADs stuff, use it always.


Y. Hara

14 décembre 2013

For Rock Music.

Optimum to guitar track.Sharpness being added, sound is easy to make.

C. Allrich

22 novembre 2013


This is the only EQ I'll boost anything with. I do love my cambridge EQ for mild boosting, but there's no comparison here in the warmth and beauty this thing has.

Love it on the drum bus especially. Co-producer turned me onto this, and now it's on pretty much all the mixes that leave my studio. 'Nuff said.

J. Kuse

16 janvier 2013

Amazing for low mid cuts.

500hz is rarely useful in any abundance - that's why we have nicely curved EQ's like the pultec to scoop them out with grace.

I am a new owner of the A-Range and this EQ has replaced the pultec as my go-to low mid scooper. Simply add to a saturated, muffled sounding bluesy guitar track and start pulling out 500hz and now the guitar is back in the mix where you need it to be. Same with boxy vocals.

The low end boost is powerful, and combined with my above thoughts makes for a great EQ to shape kicks with.

The HPF/LPF are useful and can be stacked for more dramatic effect.

Only criticism is that I have yet to really use the top end EQ with much luck when it comes to boosting, and would still recommend a different EQ for this duty.

S. Love

12 janvier 2013

Trident rocks

I just recently got this plug in. I haven't put it through the ringer yet, but I have used it on drums and it is a badass. It really allows you to get the meaty rock sound when you want it and I'm pretty darn impressed. If you have the cash, and like the "rock" sound. I say get it and you won't be let down.

UA rocks.

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