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ENGL® E646 VS Limited Edition

Evaluation Globale

21-40 sur 74 résultats

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A. Solovyev

29 juin 2017

Хороший выбор для домашней записи гитар

Этот плагин очень удобен, когда нет возможно дома записывать гитары с микрофона-а покупать голову и имитаторы нагрузки нет финансов- эта эмуляция очень достоверно звучит -хороший мясной перегруз.

G. Toman

17 juin 2017


Sounds better then my line 6 hd pro x..

A. Edgemont

30 mars 2017

Awesome tones!

I'm very impressed with this quality and realism of this amp sim. I'm a former long time owner of a Kemper Profiling amp which I recently sold because I felt that this plugin along with other Universal Audio sounded and felt as good if not better. This sim is hardly a one tricky pony as I'm able to get excellent clean sounds, mid gain rock tones, tight high gain rhythm sounds, and excellent solo/lead tones. Works well with a variety of guitars Including a Custom shop Strat, Les Paul Custom, and some other customs that I own. The cab sims are excellent and flexible plus you can turn it off and use your own IRs which is an excellent feature. The gate and delay features are also great add ins. Highly recommend and great job all around!

许. 笑荣

11 décembre 2016

SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!

I like it so much!!! i like it metal sound!! Clean tone is good! I think i will use it to record for along time!

E. Prinsen

11 décembre 2016

Great for recording

I initially purchased this plug-in for just jamming through my headphones with no latency (which is so much fun). Before I got my apollo twin usb 3.0 interface, I always had that latency that made playing feel unnatural and uninspiring. Problem solved! I already own several great amp sims but I was pleased with some of the killer metal tones I am able to achieve with this thing. Now I use it for recording and layering guitar tracks. Since you can monitor this plug-in without any irritating latency, it's perfect for tracking because you get the sound and feel you need for a great performance. Then you also have the option of recording the signal wet or dry. Great metal amp sim and great recording tool!

A. Samuel

19 novembre 2016

Feels just like a real amp

I'm a real amp guy and I love this plugin. I'm incredibly happy to not have to mic up my setup when I'm getting results that are just as good. The gain this thing has is perfect for my hard rock to modern metal tones with warmth.

R. Österlund

24 octobre 2016

The best beast!

It's aiiiiiiiiiveeeee!! Just choose the right channel at the right and get started.

G. Bicalho

30 septembre 2016

This plugin saves me every day!

I have gratitude to this plugin! You saved me many times!
Once you learn to use this plugin, you do not even need other simulators! Combining with the pedals Guitar Rig is very convincing!
Heavy, dense, easy to mix!
One of the best!

R. Greco

9 juillet 2016

Are You Kidding Me

This thing is outrageous.

I'm not new to amp modelers. Was a POD Pro 1.0 guy. Tried it all as it matured. Most modelers have a high end, lo-mid problem my ears can never resolve as musical past a few playbacks. Never used them as a replacement for an amp. I play an old Budda Dual Stage 30, it's sound is my guitar at the end of the cord, it's wonderful, why?

Then I got the Apollo 16 and eventually the amp modelers. Holy cow. This ENGL is off the hook. I can't stop playing this thing.

The mic/cab set-ups are key in getting your final tone. Try to get familiar with them, they each have an approach to what they capture, that goes across amp settings. Those mic/cab set-ups are the ears, of your amp/tone set-ups, so-to-speak.


6 juin 2016

A different league

I'm a guitar tone fetishist. I have tons of real tube amps, from a 1952 GE circuit amp to a 1966 Vibrolux to several Mesa Boogies. I hate sims - well, until now. This is a modern amp, and if you're looking for vintage tones, go elsewhere (the UA Marshall sims are also amazing). If you want the tones this is designed to provide - either the physical form or the simulated one - it absolutely kills. Forget the presets, particularly on channels 3 & 4. Download the VS settings guide from the ENGL site, and experiment and you have access to truly remarkable guitar tones with feel and tone that is effectively perfect to my ears. Been playing for 20+ years, and finally we can have tone this wonderful without spending thousands on each amp.

S. Hyvärinen

2 juin 2016


It´s mindblowing that you can get that rock/metal sound with a single plugin. This thing is amazing! There´s a few really good presets as well. Thank you Universal Audio once again <3

M. Niemczyk

13 avril 2016

Thanks for the bypass preamp feature!

Thank you so much for the most important Feature for real preamp owners which is bypassing the software emulated preamp! I´m sure most guitar players have already a nice sounding real tube preamp or a head with DI out, which they really want to use in every possible situation. I´m a proud owner of a Mesa/Boogie TriAxis and I have all my favorite presets saved there so i can produce each desired sound by just choosing a program - and the sound is real tube blow away analogue sound. But there is one problem when it comes to recording, the power amp section, cabinet and microphones are crucial but impracticable in home recording environment. Thats where amp simulation with bypassed preamp kicks in - a viola!


5 février 2016

Monster sound

Great Sound, it is (one) the best amp plug in I ever had. Good work

A. Arce Torres

17 janvier 2016

ENGL® E646 VS Sound Clean!

Estoy muy contento con la emulación de ENGL® E646 VS que tienen los procesadores UAD, el sonido es claro y con mucha potencia, a su vez también la versatilidad que tienen sus varios canales, podemos pasar de una distorsión agresiva a una guitarra para hacer arpegios y con un sonido que tiene buen headroom, gracias UAD!

J. Kang

12 janvier 2016

Great sounding versatile amp sim

I was looking for a versatile amp that could cover great cleans, overdrives, and distortion. This plug-in was it.

C. Brown

11 décembre 2015


Wonderful 6l6 clean tones can be easily dialed in and the crunch and hi gain channels feel and respond like you are playing a live tube amp. Never thought I would be floored with a sim but this is truly astounding.

D. Thompson

27 septembre 2015

Ok guys.... plug it in and demo!


Now tell me it does not sound VERY close to the real deal.... guys. I think the Analogue and Digital argument is also stupid.

Blind test... I did... the ENGL won!

I will get a clip up of a mic'd and a sim (UAD ENGL E646 VS) and YOU tell me which you prefer... (a) or (b).

coming soon...

anyone thinking of buying, just buy it and make you own presets, visit the ENGL website download the settings PDF and create your own!

Perfect and LOVE it.

D. Thompson

19 septembre 2015

Just bought the plugin after another trip to the music store....

So I went to the store again, one of the saddle blocks went. I just had to try the amp setup AGAIN in the store, it's 6505 with a Rectifier. I like SYL, hard chug. Good heavy sound.

I spoke with the store guy, the ENGL E646 is SUPPOSED to be soft on the high end!!! So UAD have indeed modelled the sim correctly. The presets still don't cut it unfortunately. But for "chug", this is serious!

There is a PDF on the ENGL website I suggest (as I did) creating your own setup using these defaults.

It is an incredible piece of software. I owned both of the Line 6 products.. I used the SansAmp PSA. This sim is worth EVERY cent

D. Thompson

18 septembre 2015

I owned POD Line 6

Had to mention... that's sold.

Doesn't even compare!

t. preradovic

26 août 2015

Great sim

The best amp sim ever. True that presets are dull but You can make Your own. If you buy hardware amp you don't get "presets". Sound is in amp. So, this ENGL sim realy has sound but make your own presets. I am going to buy it today.

21-40 sur 74 résultats