OX Stomp Dynamic Speaker Emulator
Des sons et des effets de studio, au bout de vos pieds.
L’OX Stomp Dynamic Speaker Emulator marche dans les pas de notre OX Amp Top Box maintes fois primée. Avec ses baffles, ses micros, ses émulations de pièces et ses effets parfaitement authentiques, cette pédale est un véritable studio professionnel qui complétera idéalement vos systèmes de modélisations d’amplis pour guitare.
Complétez votre système d’émulations d’amplis pour guitare avec les sons tridimensionnels de nos modélisations dynamiques de haut-parleurs
Jouez et enregistrez avec des émulations de haut-parleurs, de baffles et de pièces époustouflantes qui vont bien au-delà des logiciels de réponses impulsionnelles habituels
Peaufinez vos prises grâce au compresseur 1176, à une réverbe à plaque, à un égaliseur et à des effets de modulation et de délai stéréo.
Écoutez, modifiez et sauvegardez vos presets, entre autres fonctionnalités, avec l’application mobile UAFX
Dites adieu au son statique des réponses impulsionnelles classiques
La technologie novatrice de modélisation dynamique de hauts-parleurs développée par UA émule la distorsion des membranes et des cônes lorsque les hauts-parleurs sont poussés au maximum, ce que ne capturent pas les systèmes de réponses impulsionnelles unidimensionnels. Vous profitez ainsi d’un son complexe et riche en harmoniques, comme si vous utilisiez un baffle repiqué dans un studio professionnel.
Profitez d’émulations de pièces maintes fois primées
L’OX Stomp est la seule pédale d’effets émulant non seulement des micros à condensateur, dynamiques et à ruban savamment placés près des baffles, mais aussi une sélection complète de micros d’ambiance, et ce grâce à la technologie de modélisation dynamique de la pièce. Vous aurez ainsi l’impression de vous retrouver dans un studio professionnel et d’y ressentir l’air propulsé par les hauts-parleurs d’un ampli poussé au maximum.
Des effets de haute qualité
Outre les modélisations de micros et de baffles, l’OX Stomp vous offre la possibilité de façonner le son de votre guitare avec les effets d’UA, notamment le compresseur 1176, une réverbe à plaque, un chorus, un flanger, trois types de délais et un égaliseur de quatre bandes agrémenté de filtres coupe-haut et coupe-bas.
La partenaire idéale de votre système de modélisations d’amplis
Quel que soit votre style musical et votre équipement, que vous utilisiez une pédale d’ampli UAFX ou un autre système de modélisation, un processeur de multi-effets ou un générateur de profils d’amplis – voire même la sortie ligne du préampli de votre ampli préféré – L’OX Stomp vous offre une centaine de configurations RIG spéciales pour que trouviez immédiatement des sons inspirants.*
Une application mobile pour personnaliser votre OX Stomp
Grâce à l’application UAFX Control, vous pouvez facilement remplacer les baffles et les micros, paramétrer finement les effets, assigner des presets RIG et configurer les footswitches pour changer instantanément de son ou d’effet. C’est comme si vous installiez un studio pro sur votre pedalboard.
*Avertissement : l’OX Stomp est spécifiquement conçue pour être utilisée avec des équipements de niveau instrument ou ligne. Ce n’est ni une load box ni un atténuateur de puissance. L’OX Stomp Dynamic Speaker Emulator nécessite une alimentation blindée récente de 400 mA (vendue séparément). Consultez ici la liste des alimentations recommandées.Avis clients
M. Lafaurie
22 septembre 2024
Top niveau mais il manque un cabs Hiwatt 4x12 purple fane
Mise en route un peu pénible, mise à jour firmeware obligatoire, mais une fois réalisée les simulations et effets sont excellents. Un reproche, il manque une modélisation de cabs...
En lire plusR. Graterol
12 septembre 2024
A game changer pedal for my tone
I bought this to expand the versatility of my pedalboard and to improve the tone of my Ruby and this thing surpassed all my expectations. The sounds coming out of this pedal are simply...
En lire plusH. Persson
29 août 2024
Turn OFF mobile screen lock = ( one) connection issue less
Most have probably already done that - but if someone havent or just bought the product - and wants to minimize one connection issue TURN OFF the Iphone Screen lock when using the App...
En lire plusJ. Egan
16 juillet 2024
Great cab pedal.
This pedal sounds awesome, there's a bunch of bad reviews for the app and bluetooth but all of the uafx pedals have those issues, and I agree with the 6 cab slots being a little...
En lire plusJ. McCormick
25 juin 2024
Great tool, but update often
So, the Ox Stomp has been a great addition to my toolbox. I use it with my Friedman IR pedals and with my Friedman amps after running them through the Suhr Reactive Load IR. Neither the...
En lire plusA. Cooper
6 mars 2024
Outstanding....and no problem with the App
The quality of the sounds that come out of this pedal are amazing. Its almost too good as there are so many factory presets and the majority of them sound superb with my Dream and Woodrow....
En lire plus -
Caractéristiques principales
Les émulations de haut-parleurs, baffles, micros et pièces les plus fidèles jamais intégrées à une pédale
Des hauts-parleurs modélisés dans les moindres détails, jusqu’à la distorsion des membranes et des cônes
Une centaine de presets RIG, une véritable mine d’inspiration, quel que soit votre système de modélisations d’amplis ou votre style musical
Des effets professionnels, notamment le compresseur 1176 d’UA, une réverbe à plaque, un égaliseur et un délai stéréo (avec modes Dual, Crossover et Ping-pong) pour peaufiner vos sons à la perfection
Application UAFX Control pour paramétrer les micros, les effets et configurer les footswitches
Commutateurs silencieux, bypass à buffer, trajet de signal non traité entièrement analogique
Avis clients
OX Stomp Dynamic Speaker Emulator
M. Lafaurie
Top niveau mais il manque un cabs Hiwatt 4x12 purple fane
Mise en route un peu pénible, mise à jour firmeware obligatoire, mais une fois réalisée les simulations et effets sont excellents. Un reproche, il manque une modélisation de cabs Hiwatt 4x12 purple fane vintage , pourquoi ? A prévoir dans une future mise à jour. Enfin une application desktop connectée USB C serait la bienvenue.
R. Graterol
A game changer pedal for my tone
I bought this to expand the versatility of my pedalboard and to improve the tone of my Ruby and this thing surpassed all my expectations. The sounds coming out of this pedal are simply beautiful. My guitar tone now feels real and more 3D sounding, with depth. The amount of tones in this box is huge.
Regarding the app, I haven't had any issue so far in my 2nd day of ownership (knock on wood) on my iPhone 13 but it seems I'm in the minority here. I'm turning off auto lock and everything is connecting and staying connected as it should. The faders are clunky, it needs numerical values so from a usability perspective there are improvement areas. But overall I'm extremely happy with my purchase, to the point that it's making me reconnect with my instrument and ideas are just flowing to my DAW. Inspiring sounds are the seeds to great ideas and this product is helping me with that. I highly recommend this pedal, It will elevate your tone.H. Persson
Turn OFF mobile screen lock = ( one) connection issue less
Most have probably already done that - but if someone havent or just bought the product - and wants to minimize one connection issue TURN OFF the Iphone Screen lock when using the App via B.T.
And... Please UA - MAKE UA GREAT AGAIN - let the USB be used with a new desktop for App PC / Mac !
Its a great sounding and design with included effects , but, as said ..... MAKE UA GREAT AGAINR. Konz
Waist of Lifetime!
The effect of the UAFX pedals, especially the OX Stomp, is that it enables the perfect frustration tolerance training. Unfortunately, UA has forgotten that many untalented amateur guitarists like me already practice frustration tolerance enough while playing. The Cab Sims are brilliant, but if I spend more time pairing the pedal with the app via Bluetooth than playing the guitar, then UA has frankly missed its target here. Unless they actually designed it as frustration tolerance training under the guise of Cab Sim. Better to choose a different product.
J. Egan
Great cab pedal.
This pedal sounds awesome, there's a bunch of bad reviews for the app and bluetooth but all of the uafx pedals have those issues, and I agree with the 6 cab slots being a little insufficient, hopefully they can reprogram it to where maybe when you hold the preset button it can make the 6 slots more with like an A/B side , then it would at least be 12. Or have the on and preset button have an up or down functionality to it, and definitely a desktop app, there's too many phones with different firmwares to run great on every one, I personally have to touch mine every 10 minutes since I can't turn off sleep mode even in developer options so it can the frustrating. That being said the sound quality is awesome, I have multiple effects processors with different paid impulse responses and as I do like a quite a few of them , they didn't even come close to how many I like with this pedal. The reaction, sound and feel just blew me away, I do wish they would add a noise gate to this and some of their other amp pedals like they did with the lion so you can crank up the gain and go to town, I put 2 gates after the ox for high gain scenarios and it works great.
R. Spaulding
Great tones, horrible app and horrible customer support
What is the point of this gear if you cannot get support for it? The primary app required to adjust essential parameters does not work. Non-existent support. Returned. Frustrated.
B. Love
Great sound and possibilities. Here is the problem, you have 6 rigs/preset spots. Great if you like those 6. In the app however there are a bunch of really great presets and also a lot of tweaks, eq, mics cabs, awesome.... Except the app never works!!! You get it to connect after several attempts, device goes to sleep while demoing your changes, you guessed it, you have been disconnected and have to try and connect to the pedal again. Finally get it to connect again and go to make some eq changes, it just disconnects while accessing the page. I am by no means a UA hater, I have most of their plugs and have tried all of their big pedals. Same issues amongst all of them and have had multiple devices. UA seems to not think the problem exists or maybe they cant fix it. Bottom line buy them if you are happy with the default settings otherwise prepare yourself for frustration. Now i have to decide if I keep losing time and creativity or return it. Sold all of my other UA pedals for the same reason by the way . Had some hope that they addressed the issue....no they didn't.
P. Pauliks
Great sound with a fiddly app
The sounds are usable and of very good quality!
BUT; the fiddling about with the app is an intolerable imposition. Why the hell isn't a desktop app offered here so that you can work with it properly in the studio?
But you probably have to give OX Amp owners another reason to buy it ... ??
Please, finally offer a desktop app !!!
J. McCormick
Great tool, but update often
So, the Ox Stomp has been a great addition to my toolbox. I use it with my Friedman IR pedals and with my Friedman amps after running them through the Suhr Reactive Load IR. Neither the Friedman pedals or the Suhr sound bad, but they don’t react like a real speaker and compress and change character a bit as you adjust your playing. That’s where speaker emulation comes in and takes over where IRs leave off. That’s why you can’t upload your own. The cabinets in the Stomp are not IRs—they’re an emulation of how a speaker actually acts, not a linear representation of the speaker in a particular setting like an IR. Add in all the studio tools of EQ, compressors, yada, yada and you’ve got a huge amount of power in a compact pedal.
And that’s where the rub starts. You have to use the app to get the pedal setup and delve into these features. That’s fine—the app is great for this. The problems come in with connectivity issues and slow pairing with the pedal. You can only connect to the pedal wirelessly and if your phone or tablet locks, the connection drops and takes a bit to reestablish. It’s gotten better with updates to the pedal and app, but still can be frustrating. For me, though, I got my setup and don’t fidget with it too much, so this is a minor issue, but worth the warning.
Overall, a great pedal and a great investment. Solved my complaints about IRs and did so very well.J. Bacon
Utterly beautiful sounds, DESKTOP APP PLEASE !
Having tried many guitar plugins for recording over recent years - some of which are excellent, all told - I still missed the dimension of using a physical amp. But I didn't want to go back to mic'ing loud, heavy tube amps, let alone buying them.
With a Friedman IR-X I got a long way towards a studio solution. (I dare say the UA amp pedals are great too, but haven't tried them yet.)
There are some decent third party IRs out there; they get you the colours you are looking for, but they can't - and don't - react like a speaker in real time. They are kind of 2-dimensional renders.
Along comes the next solution: OX Stomp. And sonically it does not disappoint! This thing gives that sense of space; of things being reactive, complex, delicious.
There are a sensible number of great-sounding cabs and mics included in the package - enough to excite, but not so many as to overwhelm. The room sound feature is cool. The post-effects are great, especially the reverb.
For this aspect of the pedal, it's a solid 5 stars.
Then we must mention the app.
I can only echo what everyone else is saying: it is a pain. Once you are connected, and if you can stay connected, it works ok. But smart phones are not the smart format for this. They would be ok as a "bonus" but, not as the mainstay editor.
In fairness, I managed to get the app to work for me - eventually. And for me, it doesn't matter too much now, because I have set up 6 rigs which all just work, and I am a set-and-forget person.
But if you are someone who likes to tweak, and needs to edit regularly, you are probably going to be as frustrated as many of the other reviewers here.
So - UA - with great respect, please could you prioritise turning this excellent pedal into the *masterpiece* it should be, by giving us a desktop app with a solid USB connection? I can't imagine it would hurt sales; nor should this be difficult for a company of your seniority and talent.
M. Becker
Awesome device, great sound, app is almost unusable
The Ox Stomp is just amazing. It sounds exactly like what I'm used to hearing from miked up speakers. The range of cabinets, microphones, and room mic options covers almost every sound combination you could think of. I'd love to see a Mesa Oversized box with Celestion V30 and an effects box from Pignose added, but that's just a nice-to-have, not a necessity.
I used to be a Two Notes Torpedo user and now I'm absolutely thrilled with the OX Stomp hardware box. However, the app is a disaster. It's impossible to quickly do anything since you always have to grab the tablet next to the computer, hold it with one hand, and operate it with the other, which completely disrupts the flow. With the Two Notes computer app, I can do everything with just two mouse clicks. Even taking your right hand off the guitar, click, click, and you've got a different sound. That's usability.
Additionally, the app constantly needs to be reconnected to the Ox Stomp via Bluetooth since the connection drops out regularly.
I love the OX Box, but if it were connected with a stable desktop app via USB, I'd love it even more. Then it would be perfect.A. Mtz
sorry to say — as many reviews before— i don’t know who told you that having the app in the cell for hardware like this one could be a brilliant idea ?
it’s annoying !
C. Jäger
Sound 10 - App 0
Love the tones but editing is a drag. Give us a desktop app with better usability and adjustability. Can’t be that hard for a company like yours? Just get it done soon!
I beg you, create a desktop application
It sounds good, but like all the other reviews, it's an unfinished product...
M. Terracol
Very disapointed by the sound. The bluetooth app is a mess.
Regarding the sound, I found it OK, but far from being extraordinary as the commercial videos claimed. After two weeks of testing and tweaking, I much prefer my old Torpedo CAB M, which sounds more lively and natural with a wider choice of speakers. Regarding the additional features, the delay is ok, I didn't like the reverb and the compressor seems unusable. The “room microphones” feature is interesting, but it quickly sounds artificial to my ears.
The biggest mess is the MANDATORY Bluetooth app. UA simply should not sell this product. It is almost impossible to connect the app to the pedal. The only way is to "forget device completely" in your phone settings every time you want to change something on the pedal. This is unacceptable!
In conclusion, I found this to be a very expensive and unfinished product. I returned it for a refund, with no regrets.A. Cooper
Outstanding....and no problem with the App
The quality of the sounds that come out of this pedal are amazing. Its almost too good as there are so many factory presets and the majority of them sound superb with my Dream and Woodrow. I suggest finding a handful of presets you like and then sticking with them. Its very easy to tweak the sounds to taste anyway. I had some apprehension buying the OX Stomp as almost every review I've read, including nearly all of the reviews here, noted how awful the App was. It seems that mobile screen lock seems to be at least partly to blame for the connectivity issues so I adjusted my mobile settings before staring the UAFX Control App to prevent screen lock. I've been controlling the OX Stomp with the app now for a couple of days and I haven't encountered any connectivity issues yet...touch wood. I've got the latest version of UAFX Control installed on my phone which is running on Android 14, in case that helps anyone.
t. fuji
M. White
Great product - Crappy App
Out of the box, the OX Stomp is a 5 star product. The ONLY downside is the app. On both, my Android phone and IPad, the app started about 25% of the time. I bought a new IPad Air, it works 100% of the time. The logic is still too laggy to enjoy. Fix the lag and bluetooth reliability, it's a 5 star experience all day, every day.
a. constantin
Issues with the app
I love the way it sounds, but it don't work with Android system... Can you design a computer application please ?
M. Durno
App & Bluetooth Fail Befuddling for UA Product
Majority reviews below already speak to the shortcomings that make it essentially useless to comment on the actual sound of the pedal. The app and Bluetooth functionality is so poor that it's borderline inappropriate to sell this version of the pedal (certainly not compared to any other UA product I have used or read about). The UAFX app is terrible for any pedal, but for the Ox Stomp it's the only way to use the damn thing. It's an unacceptable miss that everyone rightly expects to be corrected "yesterday."